See schedule for upcoming talks.

Tom Hartvigsen -- Lifelong Editing for Language Models


Tom Hartvigsen is an Assistant Professor of Data Science at the University of Virginia. He works to make machine learning trustworthy, robust, and socially-responsible enough for deployment in high-stakes, dynamic settings, especially those found in healthcare. Tom’s work has been published at the top venues for Machine Learning, NLP, and Data Mining including NeurIPS, ACL, KDD, and AAAI. Before joining UVA, Tom was a postdoc at MIT CSAIL. He holds a Ph.D. in Data Science from WPI and a Bachelor’s in Applied Math from SUNY Geneseo.


Despite impressive capabilities, language models still generate factually incorrect, biased, and hallucinatory content. When we find such misbehaviors, we need ways to update our models while avoiding excessive finetuning costs and retaining the model behaviors we like. One burgeoning approach to keeping language models factual is model editing, which aims to inject new facts into language model weights. However, most existing methods 1) edit a model only once, despite a quickly-changing world, and 2) update language model weights directly, which can cause dramatic side-effects to model behavior. In this talk, I will introduce GRACE, our editing method that leaves a language model’s weights untouched. GRACE works by learning and caching replacement activations that induce corrected language models outputs. New activations are selectively retrieved during inference when new inputs resemble prior edits. Beyond achieving edits without weight updates, GRACE unlocks success in a hard, new lifelong model editing setup, where we repeatedly edit the same model thousands of times in a row. After introducing GRACE, I will briefly showcase our other recent efforts to improve model editing evaluation and to interface model editors with other test-time interventions.

Michael Niemeyer -- Neural Representations for 3D Asset Reconstruction, Generation, and Beyond


Michael is a research scientist at Google working on 3D computer vision and generative modeling in Federico Tombari’s lab. In 2022, he completed his PhD at the Max Planck Institute in Tuebingen supervised by Andreas Geiger. The works Occupancy Networks and Differentiable Volumetric Rendering were selected among the top 15 most influential papers at CVPR 2019 and 2020, and he received the best paper award at CVPR 2021 for the GIRAFFE project.


Neural field-based representations such as Neural Radiance Fields have revolutionized 3D computer vision in recent years. While they achieve impressive results in tasks such as view synthesis or generative modeling, neural fields are still only reluctantly used and integrated into larger-scale graphics, animation, or simulation software and products. Common reasons are slow and compute-intense inference and the reliance on ray-marching instead of following the more traditional rasterization pipeline that many modern compute devices are built for. In this talk, we first investigate the reconstruction use case: How can radiance field representations be transformed into mesh-based representations? And how can this be efficiently done in challenging scenarios such as highly-reflective surfaces? Next, we shift focus to the generative use case: We investigate how 3D assets can be generated purely from text prompts as well as how subject-driven reconstructions can be obtained from collections of images. Finally, we discuss first attempts of how neural fields can be used for SLAM to achieve real-time reconstructions from input image streams.